This week ushered in the Aries Equinox and builds up to the first eclipse of the spring eclipse cycle, lasting through April 8th. I’ve already posted my in-depth overview of the Aries Ingress in the Modern School of Ancient Wisdom's free Patreon tier, so please check that out to get an idea of the quality of the coming year as described by that chart!
It is important to take extra care of a detail that many folk practitioners tend to overlook. The Moon is applying to a Lunar Eclipse on March 25th, so while she is waxing, we will not be experiencing the usual fullness of light that we would use in our work. In fact, a Lunar Eclipse is more like a well of corrupted water, which is best not drawn from.
Affirmation: Balance is revealed to me
Apply It: Give yourself a date day
You can download the 2024 Astrological overview below and see my suggestions for working intentionally with this moon in this week's video!